Nr. 5277378

Alternative Dispute Regulation

2. Offers by Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry for enterprises on alternative dispute regulation (ADR)

Frankfurt International Arbitration Centre - FIAC:

ICSID arbitral proceedings in the Frankfurt International Arbitration Centre - FIAC

FIAC: Rooms and facilities for international and national arbitral and other proceedings of alternative dispute regulation (ADR)

FIAC: events on arbitral jurisdiction and ADR

Written mediation in disputes between enterprises (E-Mail)

Arbitration Court of Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Appointment of ad hoc arbitrators, arbiters, mediators by application (E-Mail)

Appointment of expert arbitrators (E-Mail)

3. ARBITRATION OFFICES for members of Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
Institutions and organisations of alternative dispute regulation, which could be interesting for members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry